said "these are the precepts whose fruits a person enjoys in This World but whose principal remains intact for him in the World to Come. The y are…acts of kindness…and Torah study is equivalent to them all." This task of upkeeping Torah institutions was appointed to the Jewish nation by Hashem, "She is the tree of life and without her the world cannot exist." Why the connection of Torah to a tree? Just as a tree always sprouts new life so does the Torah. The torah gives to those who cling to it goodness and blessings each day and is a wellspring flowing of water.
Let's mention here 2 short ideas:
First I will give over a beautiful explanation said by Rabbi Shmuel Birnbaum,z"l on the last Purim of his life. Why was Haman the evil one credited with grandchildren who learn Torah in Bnei Brak? He explained that the difference is in the correct outlook of the events that occurred. Most people see the events as natural occurrences. Here was the man who was called to lead Mordechai on a horse, saw how Mordechai taught children Torah, and declared that the Torah that Mordechai taught is more important than the money that Haman gave to Achashverosh eventhough he could give explanation to the events that occurred. He recognized the value of Torah and understood that the dramatic change occurred due to the strength of the Torah. If such an evil man as Haman was credited with grandchildren learning Torah, imagine the credit given to those who appreciate and recognize the duty to uphold Torah and |Yeshivot which are the fortresses of Judaism.
the Torah in Parshah of Terumah tells of the Tabernacle utensils being made of gold and if there is no gold available to substitute silver, apart from the cherubs which must be made from gold. The reason given by our Rabbis,z"l for this is that the cherubs are the symbol of Torah learning. This is indicated in the way of Torah education and good deeds which cannot be fulfilled in small payments and inferior donations, the donation must be of the greatest value- equal to gold.
We would like to request from everyone who believes in the "Tree of Life" to help support our Torah institutions which include a Kollel and shuls. And our blessing to the upholders of Torah is that each one see growth in their good deeds all the days of his life and his reward should be multiplied.
Rabbi Rafael Alkarif